Thursday, May 28, 2015

Gemini Sun with Mercury and Mars, Moon in Libra

It’s my favorite time of year. It’s the fun time.
After the glorious, but work, work, work hard physical month of Taurus Sun, 
Gemini is when we get to enjoy our own efforts and share our work with others.

The sun has been climbing higher in the sky everyday here in North America, 
giving us more daylight to work outside and more energy to do the work. 
We are working upward to a crescendo of sun intensity in Gemini culminating in the solstice on June 21st. Can you hear the chattering of excited voices? No wonder there are so many weddings, graduations, reunions, parties. We are at our peak of energy now. 

In the garden, every plant is moving at constant speed ahead. There is no stasis now. Each flower develops and immediately starts going by as it forms seeds for the next generation. One wants to hold on to these days of blooming magic, but there is no lingering here. Glory does not hang around for long. 

What does hang around for awhile though are the surprise interactions of friends and neighbors, the intermingling of new acquaintences and the desire for connection within communities. We are all sharing the same ground and it’s time to talk about it. 

Sedum and creeping thyme (Thymus serpyllum Coccineus)

Self-sown Aquilegia (columbine) sports with Pinus parviflora 'Nishiki'

Aquilegia 'Nora Barlow' mingling with Siberian Iris