Sunday, March 18, 2018


This winter’s persistent confusion of weather has perhaps almost reached its finish. With a new Moon yesterday in Pisces that soon moved into Aries and the Sun about to do the same on Tuesday, the pace of spring growth is quickening regardless of the lingering cold. I don’t recall ever seeing the late winter bulbs - snowdrops, croci and iris reticulata - develop so early in February and still be here in late March, with many of them still not even fully open yet. They have been challenged repeatedly by snow fall, freezing temperatures and constant wind. The metaphor of this with the news feed needs no pointing out, except in that they have not keeled over and died. They have closed back up, bent over and dirtied their faces. But they keep rising from their beatings to do what is expected of them - grow on and develop through their cycles and live to see another year. 

New Moon and the spring equinox coming close together reinforces this moment for being the best time all year to start a new practice for self-care or for getting a routine going for spring cleaning of the body. It is difficult to do that in January, but by now the body yearns for it. And the first perennial greens - sorrel and chives in my garden - are already emerging to assist with the cleansing plan.  Wild dandelion greens won’t be too far behind, hopefully. Now is the time to get walking outside again, both to drop the winter weight gain and stretch our legs and breathe fresh air.

Mars has also changed signs recently, from Sagittarius to Capricorn. With that change we are more able to take action and actually get things done, not just thought about. Not that it will be easy. For a few weeks or so it will be quite challenging with a retrograde from Mercury, but progress will be made and become easier as spring unfurls its energetic support. 

Toss those bulbs a little food after full moon and again in the fall. They’ve maxed out their reserves of energy this winter, as have we all. Take care of yourselves well this spring - it is time to replenish!