Monday, January 4, 2016

Planet Partners

I love end of year festivities. Despite the huge effort it takes on everyone’s part to make them happen, they do happen, again and again. And we all need them to happen so we can catch our collective breath and move on to a new horizon, together at least in heart, mind or friendship, if not always in actual locational proximity. 

Sunday marks the end of the holiday break for most of us. With it comes a sigh of relief  that our end of year obligations are over and a welcome expanse of open space lies before us, but also with it comes a feeling of warm fullness left by reconnections with others and a good few days of rest.

Oddly, the dry cold of winter finally arrived this weekend with a glorious sun, after weeks of warm, wet and threatening skies. Suddenly the weather seems right again for the season and not weirdly climate incorrect. It appears that we are back in sync and ready for the next round. The waning Moon in conjuncting youthful, energetic Mars has found a boost toward completion or resolution of old matters, while the Sun conjuncting Pluto, planet of transformation, is shining light on coming changes.  

Meanwhile peaceful Venus approaches conjunction with cold, wintery Saturn bringing beauty to  soften rigidity. NPR chose to rebroadcast a brilliant Ted Radio Hour on the topic “What is Beauty” this weekend. It was originally broadcast on April 19, 2013, when Venus was opposite Saturn. Evidently it is time to learn once more about the important value of beauty in our lives, indeed to recognize our very essential need of it for our well being.
