Friday, April 8, 2016


New Moon in Aries with Uranus 

This is a very strange time, unusual in that the Sun, Moon and Uranus are all together at the beginning of the zodiac. It is another marker of the start of spring, being in Aries, the sign of beginnings and at the beginning of the first complete moon cycle of the spring. Uranus, ruler of freedom and independence, has added an element of the unknown and a restlessness to move on quickly. We are ready, eager even, for something new and liberating. Spring, yes, but more.

This year’s winter was the polar opposite of last year’s, warm and with little snow or ice, there were many pleasant days and nights, and it actually felt like winter never really arrived as such. 
One of the early spring blooming plants in my garden, Arabis ferdinandi-cobergi, has been in bloom non-stop since December. It usually blooms in April-May. Many late winter/early spring blooming bulbs bloomed a full month or more ahead of their usual time and are already gone. 
Nothing seems quite as it should be in the garden with sharp swings in temperatures. Now in April, freeze threatens regularly the plants that usually don’t face that challenge. Tough, low-growing spreading types, like the Arabis and Violets took advantage of the lacking severity of the colder months, increasing their hold, while other plants, lured too early, are producing fewer or weaker flowers this year. All the spring plants are facing a different kind of spring, but face it they must. 

The message that Uranus carries is expect the unexpected and be prepared to adjust to anything that comes our way. For we are living in experimental times and new experiences are around every corner that once was familiar.