Sunday, June 21, 2015

Summer Solstice, Fire and Ice

We look forward to Mid Summer's Eve as being a night of endless 
twilight and excitement. Last night was anything but though. 
Parties sagged under the weight of drizzle. Laden skies made it too dim to 
see far beyond the umbrella or the tent. It was as though the whole town wept 
with a sigh of resignation to the weather. It was a long dry spring, 
so how can we complain that the rain we wished for has finally arrived for a late entrance.

A walk around the garden at precisely solstice, 12:39 pm EDT, led me right to an 
Echeveria that has caught my eye this spring - 'Fire and Ice'

This last month's dance of Mars with the Sun and Mercury retrograde has worn everyone ragged with activity, stops and starts, frustrations and challenges. A square from Neptune to the Sun and Mercury has sparked the creative imagination of some and left others in a fog of doubt and unknowing. Which are we - hot or cold, dry or wet, warming or cooling off? 

This succulent of Mexico says sometimes we have it both ways as life toughens us up to face the reality of transition. 

I kept looking around and saw some successful evidence of the co-existence of seeming opposites. 

Veronica incana with Sedum 'Angelina'

Cedrus atlantica 'Glauca pendulum' with Acer palmatum 'Crimson Queen'