Thursday, February 25, 2016

Waning Moon in Libra

When the moon is waning, that is, when we are winding down after the building up of a project that pushed forward with steady momentum from new moon to full moon, we aren't completely done with that project. We are putting on the finishing touches as we move through the slower period of the waning moon. This month's moon cycle started with the new moon in the sign of Aquarius, the sign associated with humanity in the collective sense, as well as getting the message out to the collective.
It built to a full moon in Virgo last Monday with myriad details to work out, and now with the moon in Libra today and tomorrow, we share the final stages of the work with our partners and team mates.
This is when we gather together to get to the point of moving the message out to the greater world.

It is a time to savor, this sharing of a project coming to completion in some way, for it won't last very long before the next one presents itself to start thinking about. In fact, it may be in the sharing right now with co-workers that the next cycle's project gels in the minds of those concerned. Yes, there is another week to finish up with the old stuff of this cycle, but we are already clearing space in our minds for the next cycle that begins on March 8 with a solar eclipse.

Share dreams of what might be with others. It's time to dream and connect.