Saturday, April 11, 2015

Capricorn Moon with Pluto. Last Quarter.

After a tough week back in the embrace of winter cold rain, wind and 
seemingly everyone with sniffles, today is like a benediction on the real 
end of winter. The sun is shining and no coats are needed. Everything is 
stretching out into the warmth with a kind of resolve to move on away from 
the shock of regression so late into spring. We move slowly, carefully but 
steadily onward with the resumption of the clean-up.

One of my most favorite chores in early spring is cutting back last year’s hellebore 
leaves, now finished with their protection of the new buds. I wait to do this when the 
flowers are opening, both because of those late nasty cold spells, but also because 
I love getting up close to the flowers for a good look at their level. Called the Christmas 
rose for it’s flowering during the Capricorn Sun time following winter solstice, few of ours 
actually bloom until March or April but then there is no stopping them. Each year they 
grow in breadth and strength and carry Capricorn toughness and determination in every 
cell of their being. The bees love them, slowing down to inspect them diligently with respect.

   Heronswood Yellow Strain #2

                           Kingston Cardinal