Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Gemini Moon. Sounds of Spring.

Air sign Gemini is associated with communication among other things, so the voice and music are part of its realm. Yesterday's first delight was being awakened by thunder as the last of the night's rain storms passed through soon after dawn. The second delight was watching the storm move off quickly followed by a bright sunny day to explore the new blossoms opening everywhere. These are 'Awake and Sing' kind of days, as Gemini moon or sun days so often are.

A song sparrow spent a full glorious minute in the birdbath filled to the perfect level by the morning rain, hardly believing its luck, though always checking to see if any danger lurked while bobbing up and down in ruffled frolic. Followed by a big puffed up shake and a strong trill to its mate - this is bird bliss.

A friend who was helping me with garden chores later in the day discovered a nest of bunnies in a clump of woodrush, hidden by dead leaves and rabbit fur neatly piled in and around their hole. She carefully pulled the protection away to take a peek, and one bunny got the hiccups bouncing up and down probably thinking we were delivering a meal. Quickly we put the leaves back and found a wire crate to cover the area so the dogs wouldn't bother them but with big enough openings for mama to get through.. Now and then we can see the leaves move with baby bunny hops underneath.

Luzula sylvatica marginata

Gemini is also known by its symbol of twins. Communication needs two. One to speak and one to listen. The Age of Gemini occurred 6 millennia ago and is the period when human writing first developed along with an expansion in consciousness. Awake and sing, indeed.

Jonquil 'February Gold'