Monday, October 5, 2015

Eclipse Weather

I worry that I talk too much about bad weather as I reread this blog. But the fact is there is a lot of difficult weather as there is a lot of difficult life and death. Challenges greet us at every turn of the seasons and often in the midst of them. If I were to add up all the days of bad weather each year, they might be roughly the same number, year after year. What seems different lately is that the periods of particular weather situations seem to last longer, stretching out into stressful extents that try everyone’s endurance. Even the long, dry, comfortable summer, so pleasurable for vacationers and merchants, was agonizing for a gardener set on keeping plants alive and thriving. Plants and people need water.

The total lunar eclipse last week ushered in a change from the past to an uncertain future, as all lunar eclipses are traditionally expected by astrology to do. This one did so with an insistent whoosh longer than any I have seen. After hitting us with 3” of much desired rain, it followed up with six solid days of relentless, Northeast gale force winds. Two or three are the usual, not six. Not a leaf escaped the assault unless barricaded behind a wall or hedge. No hurricane this no name storm, just weather at seemingly endless length, leaving no question that change has indeed arrived. 

It is time to think ahead and leave the past behind.