Friday, October 9, 2015

Squares and Oppositions

With the sky full of the oppositions and squares of planets and asteroids to one another, with the Earth in between, one wonders what’s going on? And what is going on is a lot of tough stuff here on Earth. From sudden departures of good friends to wicked weather, one’s ears are pricked to attention. I am a dirt gardener and when times get tough, I head for the garden. The earth grounds me and helps absorb the tears. And it always reflects what’s going on. 

With the moon in receptive earth sign Virgo at the moment, I am planting and transplanting and repotting everything that needs that particular attention. In other words, I am thinking in terms of the future year, and what I can do to meet the needs of my plants to the best of my knowledge and awareness, along with the help of the moon’s cyclic position. 

And that is also part of what squares and oppositions tell us. They are a wake up call to pay attention and look around. What needs doing, rethinking, updating? What can we leave behind and what should we nurture for the future? 

Not that any of this is easy. It’s hard work breaking out of the comfortable boundaries we’ve known, but we are at a point where it will get easier if we take a reflective look around, make adjustments and move on.

Bloedel Reserve, Bainbridge Island, WA