Monday, November 2, 2015

Abundance / Jupiter conjunct Mars and Venus in Virgo

For the third and final time this year, these three are dancing together in the sky. Their first two meetings were in fire signs, adventurous Aries and demonstrative Leo, but this time they meet in the practical earth sign Virgo at a time of the year when it pays to cooperate and work together for the well being of all. Winter will soon be upon us and it’s time to gather whatever we need to get us through the cold months, putting aside competition and differences while we work diligently to make preparations.

This fall has been particularly fruitful hereabouts. Acorns are dropping with great abundance and passing under the oaks required swiftness to avoid being conked. The squirrels are hiding them in every nook and cranny of tree and pot for hopefully finding later. All the great many bayberries disappeared within two days of cold as chickadees and others gobbled every one. Raccoons are feeding nightly on the salt seared rose hips, chattering as they climb over fences and walls in the moonlight. Hawthorne berries are ripening and the juniper is loaded with clusters of fruit. Will I see the cedar waxwings when and if they arrive to devour them? Nothing is quite so delightful as seeing a whole flock of them descend and stay until they have eaten them all, a day or two, and then they are gone as quickly as they arrived, unlikely to be seen again until next year.

The energy to work efficiently and effectively is here with us for a few more days as we savor the grace and beauty of a benevolent fall.