Saturday, November 7, 2015

Indian Summer

The moon joined the triad of Jupiter, Mars and Venus in Virgo for these past two days filling everyone's life with a myriad of activities. Details were uppermost in our minds - all those emails to write, financial numbers to balance, holiday plans, appointments to make, work - staring at us from the computer.

But outside we were filled with the delights of a glorious Indian Summer - mellow windless days in the balmy 60's - perfect for raking all those leaves, planting the last of those divisions and fall sale purchases and hulling seeds now dried enough for storage. These are the last days of ease this year outside and the computer can wait for the cold days ahead.

Today, the moon has moved on to Libra for a weekend of sharing with friends, old and new, and enjoyment of the beauty all around us. Seize the day!

Clematis tibetana

Chrysanthemum 'Hillside Pink Sheffield '